何事!? と思って見てたんだけど、どうも Github くんの RSA 秘密鍵が公開状態になってたんすかね。
This week, we discovered that GitHub.com’s RSA SSH private key was briefly exposed in a public GitHub repository. We immediately acted to contain the exposure and began investigating to understand the root cause and impact. We have now completed the key replacement, and users will see the change propagate over the next thirty minutes. Some users may have noticed that the new key was briefly present beginning around 02:30 UTC during preparations for this change.
とりあえず以下のコマンドで既存の known_hosts エントリを削除。
❯ ssh-keygen -R github.com
これで git pull
などしなおすと、都度 fingerprint など登録のいつものやつが聞かれるので適時シュッと登録してやればよい。