fargate の起動イメージにしているコンテナの確認したくて、 docker (lima) を立ち上げようとしたらエラーに。
❯ limactl start docker_x86_64 INFO[0000] Using the existing instance "docker_x86_64" FATA[0000] errors inspecting instance: [failed to get Info from "/Users/donbulinux/.lima/docker_x86_64/ha.sock": Get "http://lima-hostagent/v1/info": dial unix /Users/donbulinux/.lima/docker_x86_64/ha.sock: connect: connection refused]
❯ limactl stop -f docker_x86_64 INFO[0000] The qemu driver process seems already stopped INFO[0000] Sending SIGKILL to the host agent process 2935 INFO[0000] Removing *.pid *.sock under "/Users/donbulinux/.lima/docker_x86_64" INFO[0000] Removing "/Users/donbulinux/.lima/docker_x86_64/ga.sock" INFO[0000] Removing "/Users/donbulinux/.lima/docker_x86_64/ha.pid" INFO[0000] Removing "/Users/donbulinux/.lima/docker_x86_64/ha.sock" ❯ limactl ls NAME STATUS SSH VMTYPE ARCH CPUS MEMORY DISK DIR docker_x86_64 Stopped qemu x86_64 4 4GiB 100GiB ~/.lima/docker_x86_64 ❯ limactl start docker_x86_64 # snip # INFO[0080] [hostagent] The final requirement 1 of 1 is satisfied INFO[0080] READY. Run `limactl shell docker_x86_64` to open the shell. INFO[0080] Message from the instance "docker_x86_64": To run `docker` on the host (assumes docker-cli is installed), run the following commands: ------ docker context create lima-docker_x86_64 --docker "host=unix:///Users/donbulinux/.lima/docker_x86_64/sock/docker.sock" docker context use lima-docker_x86_64 docker run hello-world ------